Red Letter Day

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So it happened again...

Another horror story of a bunch of air travellers who were trapped for half a day on their plane on the tarmac because nobody could bother to let them attach to a gate.

Now I know these stories are horrifying because they are so uncommon; a delay of 10 hours is probably almost as statistically as rare as an actual crash, but still, you'd think these days that passengers would not be such sheep in this situation. The plane was safely on the ground, away from the runway, on the tarmac near the gates.

What would happen if a bunch of passengers actually simply got off the plane. The inflatable slide could have been used for this purpose. Needless to say, this would probably break some law, but if a whole bunch of passengers did this, nobody could stop them, and it would be very unlikely that they would face any kind of penalty for doing this -- is there a jury on Earth who would vote to convict?
