Red Letter Day

Monday, April 19, 2010

Moving Day

Blogger is shutting down FTP publishing. That means that my days of using their service unfortunately must come to an end.
Because I host other content at my domain, I can't turn over the entire domain to a Blogger Custom Domain solution.

I decided to move to WordPress. I think they have the most features of the various free non-self-hosted tools, and they certainly look the best on an iPhone. I'm also going to make use of Tumblr as a media hosting backup (especially since this account limits me to 500 MB of storage). As always, Twitter will probably remain my primary gateway to the world of shameless self-exposure.

Just to make things clear, everything about this "old" blog will remain right here. I'm not deleting it. All the links will continue to work. It just will never be updated again. The main URL ( will likely shift from redirecting to this old blog to be a general portal to all of my various social media and other sites, as well as the the wedding stuff.

My new blog, which I hope will be updated more frequently (I have stuff to say which can't be limited to 140 characters!) is right here:

The URL for the RSS feed for the new blog is:

Thanks, and see you on the other side.



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