Red Letter Day

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I know what happened to the ninth planet

If you are looking the ninth planet in our solar system, I believe I found it the other day driving to Omaha, in the form a an asteroid-sized hunk of rock, thrown by a semi truck which made a nice, moon-crater like hole in my windshield. That is, the windshield of my brand-effing new car. I've been driving for, well, 18 years or so, and this is the first time I have been struck by anything larger then a pebble. Needless to say I am quite annoyed. About the only good news is that the windshield replacement folks can so their dirty work on site so I don't need to drive the car somewhere.

Meanwhile, if some alien is looking for their planet, it's on highway 75 just north of Nebraska City. Please beam it up.



  • It's like raaaaaaaiiiiinnnn, on your wedding day!

    I guess one nice thing is it's something you have to fix. For me, the worst is when it's a little dent. You see it every time you get in the car, but you can't justify the cost of fixing it.

    By Blogger mattjustmull, At 10:44 AM  

  • I'm not sure what the previous poster means. Having been associated with the auto-glass business, I know that the windshield is part of the car-s structural integrity, and must be replaced in such a situation.

    I won't hold it against you if you didn't take the car to my family's business -- I know Dave was dissatisfied with my family, and somehow, I think it might have been a good idea to have it fixed in Omaha and not drive back to Lawrence with a hole in the windshield.

    By Blogger route56, At 12:25 PM  

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