Red Letter Day

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A useful reminder of why some "progressives" are as bad as the worst right-wingers

The visitor commentary on the lefty meta-blog Huffington Post reminds me of some of the worst crap spewed by the conspiracy theorists at places like Free Republic.

I discovered this (well, actually re-discovered this, as I usually tend to stay away from partisan blathering by either side) after being directed to read a post by Huffington columnist Chris Durang where he spouts righteous anger at the gay rights lobbying group Human Rights Campign for daring to make political endorsements based on candidates' stances on gay rights!

Apparently, Durang thinks that opposing the war in Iraq is more important then civil rights for gays, an opinion which with I disagree, but still something that is within the realm of a legitimate viewpoint. Durang's post isn't the interesting part, rather it is the commentary by readers that follows. To paraphrase Obi-Wan, I have never seen such a wretched hive of scum and anti-semitic villainy. Even on a subject not really having anything to do with Israel or Jews, several "progressives" couldn't pass up an opportunity to bash Israel and come up with some Jewish conspiracy theories - apparently, the Human Rights Campaign endorsed Senator Lieberman for re-election because HRC has a Jewish president who is in league with the "Israel lobby" in order to get the US to go to war with Iran, because this is what the "racist country of Israel" wants.

And to think, I naively assumed that Lieberman was endorsed because he is opposed to the gay marriage amendment!

Have I mentioned lately that many "progressives" are lunatics?
Same thing goes, of course, for many "conservatives" too.
They both deserve each other.

Unfortunately, we (the majority of normal Americans) do not deserve either of them, but they are what we have, and they seem to be driving both our respective political parties off of far left and far right cliffs.


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