Red Letter Day

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Underwhelmed by Apple

I am as much a Mac partisan as anyone, but Apple's announcement today where they introduced an Intel-based Mac Mini and an iPod-based boombox was thoroughly underwhelming and not worth near they hype that the various "Apple rumors" web sites were putting forth prior to the event.

The Intel Mac Mini is basically identical to its PowerPC-based predecessor, in the same vein as the Intel iMac was to the PowerPC iMac. It is faster, and it costs $100 more then the old one, which is disappointing. Other then that, there's nothing much to note about it. The iPod boom box is a neat idea, and it is clean and simple in Apple's usual style, but like many Apple products, it is overpriced, and not terribly expandable. It might be nice to have one in the bedroom or study, but this thing is no even close to replacing even a modest home stereo system.

Anyway, here are the four cool things Apple hasn't done yet that would be really nice if they would do:

1. A real media center computer that hooks into a television and features digital video recording technology. I'd love to see a Mac that was as technologically advanced handling television as my TiVo was six years ago.

2. A PDA or cell phone of some type. All cell phones suck. Apple usually makes very nice stuff. Something has to give.

3. A "real" video iPod that has a larger screen and perhaps touch-sensitive controls overlaid on said screen. Can they give it a bigger screen while keeping it elegant and slim?

4. An online movie downloading service. Probably will be integrated with item number 1 above.


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