Red Letter Day

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Pet Peeve of the Day

People who include annoying (and stupid) warnings saying "Don't encode this into MP3" when posting shows to the various trading boards on the internet. The warning is stupid, and redundant. All of the lossless live show trading sites have policies not allowing anything that has been MP3-encoded, and uploaded shows must include a complete lineage (the "chain of custody" from original taper to the digital files) and preferably a frequency analysis to ensure that anything questionable has never been recreated from a lossy source.

So what people who post this stupid warning are really saying is "don't encode into MP3 and then re-upload this somewhere else and pretend it is lossless" -- but that is basically impossible anyway, so the warning is just annoying. Besides, I encode all my lossless shows into MP3 as soon as I get them -- that way I can easily listen to the shows on my iPod and iTunes. It would be nice if iTunes and the iPod recognized FLAC, but since Apple insists on using their own proprietary Apple Lossless format, that probably will not happen.


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