Red Letter Day

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Kick-ass home theater systems responsible for gay rights victories

Paulie Heath, a professional anti-gay activist in Maine has figured out the reason for Maine's vote in favor of a law providing equal rights for gay people:

If it requires discipline, effort, or self-sacrifice, most people don't want to engage. It's too much trouble, when we can live soft and easy lives instead. Recliners are increasingly more comfortable. Flat screen TVs are increasingly larger with better quality viewing. In fact, home theaters are now all the rage. A whole room added on to the house, with multiple reclining seats, a large wall/screen, and state of the art projection. Satellite TV allows over 150 channels to choose from, and we can download movies for $1.99 each. ... It's just too much trouble to get up out of the recliner, or even sit in it and read a really good book that promotes truth. Besides, that's not very much fun.

In other words, every time you click the thumbs up button of your TiVo remote, a gay angel gets her wings!

(hat tip: Purple Scarf)


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