No wardrobe malfunction here

Dave and I once again experienced media whoredom as Lawrence's most telegenic gay couple. The local cable news interviewed us as part of a story on Kansas' impending anti-gay constitutional amendment. The entire segment was about 5 minutes long and it included interviews with other folks, but since this is my blog, I've excerpted the 1 minute clip of Dave and I (click the picture to view the 4 MB Quicktime movie).
Our impassioned pleas will likely go to naught, being that Kansas is about as red a state as there is, but at least we aren't going down in silence.

Dave and I once again experienced media whoredom as Lawrence's most telegenic gay couple. The local cable news interviewed us as part of a story on Kansas' impending anti-gay constitutional amendment. The entire segment was about 5 minutes long and it included interviews with other folks, but since this is my blog, I've excerpted the 1 minute clip of Dave and I (click the picture to view the 4 MB Quicktime movie).
Our impassioned pleas will likely go to naught, being that Kansas is about as red a state as there is, but at least we aren't going down in silence.
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