Red Letter Day

Monday, February 21, 2005

Commodity fetishism

For some reason, my company gives us Presidents' Day off from work. We don't get any other "minor" holidays off, but I'm not complaining. I spent my day off being very productive. First, I finished out the new Zelda game on my Ninendo by defeating the evil sorcerer and saving the princess. Then I headed over to the Apple store and bought a cool new USB memory stick which also happens to play music. Finally, I contributed to the economy by picking up a few books at the Plaza Barnes and Noble.

In the book bag are The Cruelest Miles (rousing heroism, doggy style), The Great Mortality (gotta get my pestilence and history fix), The Paradox of Choice (why does choosing among 34 kinds of mustard make me sad?) and finally Savage Pastimes (so I can learn why after playing Zelda I am filled with an angry desire to take up the sword and free trapped princesses).

These books will join the queue. I actually have about 20 books in my "to be read" stack, with another 15 or so in the secondary stack of books I bought for some reason or other but probably won't get to before the Cubs win a world series. Occasionally, a book manages to catch my eye and get moved from the secondary stack to the primary stack, but it's a rare promotion. As always, too many books and too little time, but everything gets read...eventually!


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